вторник, 18 декабря 2012 г.

peer assessment

The most close blog for me is Mary's. Because I read this book and could understand it. I got a lot of positive emotions while I was reading it. Comment: http://mashahigh1994.blogspot.ru/2012/11/i-chose-book-part-two.html?showComment=1355826816269#c366214890166810617
Also, the prettiest book is Ul'yana's book "Bridget Jones's Diary". I think it's very lovely novel that will good for sentimental women. Comment: http://ulyanamotcheva.blogspot.ru/2012/09/my-choice-is-bridget-joness-diary.html?showComment=1355827495278#c672659132006641621
Although, every blog is wonderful. And everyone person deserve the attention and respect.

1 комментарий:

  1. Well, peer assessment means you assess the blog and the work, not the book only.
    And mind the structure:
    And everyone person deserve the attention and respect.> every person deserves attention
